zaterdag 17 oktober 2015

Concept phase 3: story and first concept painting

Hey all!

This one took me a bit longer, had some really busy days, but now I'm back on track.

So I was quite pleased with the 3D mockup from previous post, composition wise. It lacked alot of the feeling and atmosphere I want to create though, so I decided to create a first concept painting.

I chose to do a painting that pictured the city in general, as seen from above. Later I'll create more sketches or paintings how I want the environment to look from a player's perspective, but I wanted to pin the general idea first.

I used a screenshot from the 3D mockup and decided to paint on top of that, so lighting and perspective would be right from the start.

Then I quickly painted some colors over it to cover up the initial screenshot.

Adding more defenition, lights and shadows.

Changing the hue so that it fits better with the atmosphere I'm trying to create.

And finally, adding details and some more defenition. I also used some photo's for textures.

So what is this place? I came up with a concept that I liked. I partially refined the concept while working on the mockup, since I get alot more ideas when creating things. I did had most of the concept in mind when creating this painting.

There are two nations, who where at war many decades ago. The war went on for many years, but tore both nations apart. A common enemy arose: the weather was even more dry then usual. Farmers had trouble watering their crops with the little water that still flowed through the rivers. The two nations decided that if they would keep on warring on oneanother, both their nations might collapse. Instead, they made peace, and through trade with eachother and lands far away they managed to feed all of their citizens enough to keep their nations running.

They decided that working together, they would achieve way greater things. In the center of both nations, on one of the few crossings that spans the canyon that seperates both nations, they decided to build a free, neutral city. This city had it's own government and housed the international courthouse. Here, if one of the two nations would commit a crime against the other, he or she could be judged on neutral ground.

However, the free city and it's citizens used their position at the center of both nations and on one of the few trade routes that spans the canyon to become an economical power to be reconed with. They had little to trade, but instead, asked road tax to anyone who wanted to cross the canyon. This allowed them to become incredibly rich over the years, and the city's buildings became taller and more prestigious over time.

The two nations are at the brink of war once again. Inbetween is the free city-state, now a highly wanted tactical position. The nation that controls the city, has free passing over the canyon and has an easily defensible position. Both nations try to gain more and more infuence over the city. Spies are trying to rig the elections and politicians are persuaded with money and false promises. The tension in the city is rising. The citizens fear that another war between the nations would mean a military attack on the city. Precautions are taken; the citizens are stacking food supplies and the city's leaders are hiring mercenaries. But will it be enough?

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